Monday, September 20, 2010

Made it to Denver!

Okay, first full day of orientation is done. It was great. Everyone is so excited about going, I'm with about fifteen other DAs (Dining Attendants). They are diverse, coming from different areas, some world travelers, other's just leaving for the first time. I look around and see that we are all in this together, on a journey that other's talk about with such fondness and smiles. We too will have those stories, filled with laughter and a longing that still tinges the voices as they talk of the pristine white landscape. Sharing stories of the people they worked with and how the the most desolate place on earth changed their lives.

Funny thing happed. God balanced out my life in a very physical way. First I got my flu shot on the right arm and then later . . . .

There I was talking with the other nubies, when wham - a yellow jacket stung my under left arm. Man did that sucker hurt. I haven't been stung since I was a kid and I think my brain blocked out the pain because it really burned. Even now I have a red circle and it stings, but thankfully I'm still not allergic so I'm god.

So learned lots, got stung along the way but am still game to go tomorrow. Oh for those of you who were wondering, no SKYPE allowed at the base. Something about peer to peer software and security. Sorry to all those who had their fingers crossed. Email is still good though so send it my way. If you've got any curiosity questions feel free to post and I'll answer them as I can. OH, OH!! I was wrong yeah!!!! McMurdo is not at 10,000 feet - but SEA LEVEL! Yeah no altitude sickness, just dehydration. I'm so relieved. Now that is something that I do remember the pain from and was not too anxious to repeat.

That about wraps it up. Half day orientation tomorrow and then off to New Zealand. Perhaps my next blog will be there, who knows. Oh small side note of luxury. My hotel room is amazing, complete with a kitchen, full fridge and dishes. I could live here! Just wanted to mention that no worries about lodging here, I'm being taken good care of. Love, hugs, and prays to all - good night!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Leave On Sunday

Still packing and trying to make everything fit. 2 bags, 70 lbs each, I can do it but it seems like I'm bringing a lot. They say newbies overpack and unfortunately I'm guilty of that. Still have one more day to pair it down and get it fitted!