Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crazy Happy

Other's have told me I'm not crazy so I am free to stay. Sigh. Big Sigh. I'm not leaving and yet the idea has not sunk in. There must still be something that will send me home, I keep thinking. Something I haven't done, or did wrong. But no, I have passed sanely and physically and am now allowed to enjoy the unfoldings of winter at the bottom of the world.


Now I know that there are those of you who I will be unable to see for a while. Those getting married, moving to wondrous new places, celebrating birthdays, births, whole new facets of life and you have extended a welcoming hand for me to join in. I want you to know that although I am unable to physically be there, I join you always in spirit and prayers. Know that I send you greatest wishes of happiness, moments of childish joy, heartfelt laughter and love. A lot will unfold around you and I will miss it, but I look forward to reliving it through your tellings, pictures, and wild hand gestures once we meet again. So please forgive me this moment of selfishness and know that I extend heartfelt apologies and plead for your understanding of my winter insanity.

So what next? Well a few last minute things before I forget. All mail and packages should you wish to send them, must be mailed no later than February 1st. They can take up to month to get here and should they arrive after the last plane, I'll not get it till August when the runway opens again. The last plane to leave here goes on February 25th and then there is no contact with the outside world.

In less than 36 hours I fly out for my R and R. A small break from the ice before I'm locked in till October. I'll be staying in New Zealand for a few days, staring at dogs, trees, and breathing in the fresh smells of dirt, humidity, even exhaust. Oh I'm giddy with excitement over it all, and yet feel so rushed. I'm not even packed, although I'm not taking much, what can I? It's 93 degrees where I'm going and all I have is wool sweaters and jackets.

I won't be back till Saturday so my postings may be a little late (going from night shift, to days, and then back to nights when I get back), I wanted to leave you with something to think on. I'm trying to make a list of things I could do over the winter to keep me busy. Have any suggestions, please pass along, but here is the list right now:

1. Learn to Juggle
2. Read the Harry Potter Series (I told someone I'd do this if I wintered. Well . . . . .)
3. Read my Bible from Genesis to Revelations (In under nine months)
4. Train to be a Dog Musher (More on this later)
5. Write one of novels that keep floating around in my head (This one is for you Mary)
6. ?

Suggestions so far have been, learn a language, learn to knit (need yearn to do this one), learn how to whistle eight different ways (I was shown some of them, but those professors are not staying to teach), learn to ride a unicycle (There is one here) Learn to play an instrument (I've tried three different times before, not sure how much luck I'll have here). Any other's let me know because I'll have some time on my hands and need to use it wisely.

Mom, Dad I know you're reading this right now, curled up on the couch possibly with the rain pattering in the background. Dad, you're noticing my spelling errors while wondering what to contribute to the list, Mom you're still not keen on my staying with no way off the "island" but relieved none the less because you'll know where I am for the next eight months. I won't be calling home this week so don't worry. Time has suddenly become a beast and dragged away what spare moments I had. I'm sorry, but I will report in soon upon my return be it blogging or calling. To those heading off to Australia, I wish you a wonderful adventure filled with new friends, beautiful places and dazzling moments of joy. Be safe and enjoy the journey God has blessed upon you. To dear friends who's plans I have now upset, I humbly lower my head and mumble my apologies. Know that good food, good company, and good celebrations together are always treasured and I look forward to them upon my return.

To all that have journeyed on this Adventure with me through letters, comments and emails, I want to express how thankful I am to you for your continued love, support and laughter. Without it this summer would not have been the same. I now offer to extend the Antarctica adventure just a little longer to experience this amazing continent in its full cycle. Should you wish to come along, I would be most appreciative of the company. From summer to fall, fall to winter, and lastly from winter to spring. Five months has now turned into twelve and who knows what that time will hold. I can confess that I look forward to it with both joy and trepidation, knowing that both danger and excitement lay encased in it. Who knew that 2011 would come fully contained in Ice and Snow? No return home till the end of the year, and I wonder what will unfold along the way.

This is not good bye. This is not even see you later. This is a warm up to the next adventure in my life and you know what? I feel truly blessed to be given more time here. So join me if you dare as I experience months of darkness, white blizzards of blindness, months of no fresh fruit or veggies, a year of powdered milk, and the Antarctic Frontier. Hoo Ra!

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