Since my agenda wasn't full enough I decided I needed to add something to it. Edwina (another DA) has been doing a radio show since the beginning of winter and I've heard it several times. I got to thinking it would be fun to do so I looked into it. It turned out to be less complicated than I thought - fill out a little paper work, get a five minute training session and you're off.
When it comes to music I know zilch. Artists (don't they paint things?) Song titles ( like royalty?) Genres (is that French?) all these things go into playing music and I didn't have it. So I thought, I'll do a literary hour, reading children's classics or interesting chapters from books (you know so people would want to read instead of watching TV) and do it for an hour or so. When I talked to the individual in charge, he told me it wasn't allowed because it could only be items from the music library (copyright laws and all that stuff) so then I was a little anxious. Scratching that original idea I had to settle for playing music like everyone else but I didn't know what type. My solution was simple, I'd pick a theme and play music around it.
For example my first show was on Friday the 13th, so I did songs with numbers. The next show was about outer space because I wanted to play Major Tom and Rocketman, not to mention Purple People Eater. So instead of knowing song titles and artist, I pull up the music catalog and type in a word, like Space, or scroll down and look at song titles.
With my theme for the show now set I had to learn the actual equipment. My trainer showed me the panel board with all it's gauges and buttons and after a quick walk through, told me I was ready. I sure didn't feel that way but my time was up. On that Friday I launched into my first show, making mistakes like forgetting song titles, mixing up music, and forgetting to hit certain buttons so the music would actually broadcast. I survived my self inflicted two hour time slot but ran out of music with still fifteen minutes to go. Sighing with relief as I put back the music CD's I had to smile as a realization crossed my mind. I'd done radio commercials before in Africa, and now I was doing my own radio show in Antarctica. This coming from someone who is terrified to call into a radio show back home (but still have it on my to-do list for life).
There are several reasons for that. First I get to pick the music, although most of the time I have no idea what the songs are and sometimes cringe as they blare across the radio waves wishing I had not played them. I get to push buttons, things light up, and suddenly music floods the sound room. Second, I'm learning to enjoy it, the thrill of timing music, of talking into the mike and knowing that there are at least two people listening. No big impressions need to be made, I can play music for me and others can ignore or tune in all they want. Third, despite my lack of musical education, I'm enjoying it. For two hours I hear music I know, or don't know, and make discoveries along the way. Sometimes I know the song, but didn't realize the title, or recognize the band and didn't know they played a particular song. Also sometimes the music isn't there. Oh sure it will be listed in the catalog, but when you go to locate it on the wall, the one you want is missing (Prince's Party like it's 1999 for instance). So it's treasure hunting where sometimes someone has gotten to it before you and removed it.
And just last week I made it to the record room. Actual records, the large black shiny discs that are played by needle. There is a record player in the room so I spent several hours pulling out albums and listening to artist I had no idea who they were, and public service announcements from the early 40's and 50's. I found sound bits from Billy Cosby and children's stories with voice animations. It was like finding another whole avenue of music that I simply can pull and play. I had forgotten what it was like to play records, but now I am really enjoying it all.
So every Friday from 2-4pm I have my own radio show called "did you know." I meant to give out facts and things about the theme, but it turns out I have way too much music so my facts would just get in the way. I guess I could just call it "theme sounds" or something but either way my two audience members don't seem to mind as long as I play a couple good songs, and I try.
My support staff
My Assistant
Maybe my next career??
The equipment ( I only know how to use the board on the right)