excursion to the Green house were we all got to eat from sack lunches and breath in the scent of tomato plants and wet dirt (even though there is none). Everything in the green house is grown by hydroponics, meaning water not dirt makes the vegetables grow. The dirt here is volcanic meaning very acidic so it cannot be used as a gardening base = hence water instead.
This is the second time I've been to the green house which is like stepping into paradise. You forget what an effect the color green and plants have on your whole being. From the minute you spot them, you have a feeling of delight and a childish desire to stroke and pet the leaves like long lost pets. You stare are their delicate blossoms in wonder forgetting that things grow back where you come from and spend more time simply staring at them while chewing mindlessly on your sandwich then a mental patient does doing a jigsaw puzzle. I want to grow stuff now even though I've never had a desire before.
The event was wonderful, just two of us signed up for the time slot that Friday but with Emily there, (the Green House Goddess) it was three's company and we gossiped and gabbed like chickens in a hen house. The bright sun lights and trickling water in the background is like those soothing sounds Cd's where if you listen to them long enough you start to fall asleep. Right before that happened our time was up so we headed out. So far this winter I've had fresh swiss chard, lettuce (not iceberg) cucumbers, sprouts (all different kinds) alfalfa, fresh cilantro, dill, jalapeƱos, and there will be fresh tomatoes for Mid-Winder dinner. I can't wait.
Green House Goddess
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