Now you all know how much I love coffee right. How I drink it all the time, love the taste, the smell, the warmth that it plays across my tongue. Right? - Wrong. I can’t stand coffee. I have enough addiction to sugar I don’t need to add coffee too it. So I stay away from the stuff. Here it is like a drug that people should really have done intravenously the way they consume it. Regardless of my opinion, being a barista can come in hand in future employment, so I’ve volunteered to become one in the Coffee House here on station. Imagine that in a interview:
“So have you ever worked as a Barista?”
“Yes, but it was a small coffee shop in Antarctica.”
Do you think I’d get the job? Anyways, I’m learning the finer art of espressos, cappuccinos and mochas. I think of you, Luke and Robin, coffee connoisseurs that you are. When I visit, I’ll have to make you an espresso now that I know how. I’m still really shaky on the foaming milk, I think I’m burning it too often, but people are too nice to say anything.
I had one quick over the counter training session in the beginning and then was turned lose. I know I’m not doing it right, but learning by trail and error is still learning. Most of the time the Coffee House is quiet, no one really stops in on my shift. Without customers, I get to blast my music on a wonderful sound system and surf the internet, while sipping Licorice tea (found out its good for inflammation and with working as often as I do, it’s good for the joints - no to mention is an intriguing aftertaste). I like doing it, and I’ve made a few espressos and mochas so far. I’m learning, or at least people are tolerating what I’m making, and I’ve even made a few tips. Again something to build the resume and a skill to impress friends and family when I get home . . . . should we ever get an espresso machine or I work for Starbucks that is.
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