Standing out in the cold, surrounded by chattering voices, holding crystal glasses up bubbly, we all waited. Straining to see the runway in the distance, the buildings no more than small specks on the horizon. The time was 1pm and we had gathered to toast the last flight out. This was it, no turning back now. Our last chance to leave was taking flight, and we were all glad to see it go. No more waiting for the winter, it had started. Now the base, filled with 151 people was complete, these were the inhabitants of the island for the next seven months. Friends, foes, crazy, sane, loud, quiet, no matter the personality they were going to be my community for the next 28 weeks and it was thrilling. I was staying the winter. No more doubts about passing tests, losing contracts, or changing minds. Things were settled. Finally.
Suddenly over the radio, a voice broke through “The plane has lifted off.” Silence blanketed the crowd as we all turned and saw a small pill raise into the sky. The Airbus was taking off, and a sit made it’s ascent across the sky, we raised our glasses, and with laughter and good cheer was toasted it away. Good by Summer, hello winter. And now it’s back to work.
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