Now I mentioned a while back about my goals for the winter, and one was to get in shape to be dog musher. Let me elaborate on that for anyone who was curious. At the end of the winter I want to apply for a job in Colorado to be a dog musher. Why? Well several reasons. . . .
1. I get to work around dogs
2. I get to learn a unique skill
3. It is probably one of the most physically demanding jobs that you can do and still enjoy
Now there are several different opportunities to be a dog musher, mostly in Alaska that one can pursue. Why Colorado? Well, it is what I call the Musher Marines. When I was looking at different positions, most listed: must love dogs, cold weather, be in good physical shape. Right. I could do that. But when I came across a certain one I stopped in my tracks. It had a list, a set of specific requirements that you had to be able to do even before you could apply. No more fluff and cuddles, this was hard core. Once you applied, you had to go through a 2 day boot camp, and then you might be offered employment. If you were, you were given three days to accept and the job started a week later.
What a challenge, what a thrill, what a crazy and insane thing to work toward, but what better place then here to do it. I’ve contacted them to see when I should apply, and I have till September to flesh out my application with those necessary requirements. What are they? Well . . .
1. Minimum 40 push ups in a minute (I can do 10 right now and the last three are a real struggle)
2. Minimum 40 sit up in a minute (I can do 30 - total)
3. 12 fully extended pull ups (Yep that a big 0 on that one)
4. Run 2.5 miles under 25 minutes at 8500 feet altitude (can do it 33 minutes without altitude)
5. Run a 50 yard dash in 7 seconds (haven’t attempted)
6. Demonstrate mental acuity under stress and physical exhaustion (ummm yeah working on that)
Think I can do it? I have 23 weeks to work toward it and I’m terrified. I’ve never attempted anything so physically ambitious before. All the jobs I’ve applied required a worked up resume, not a worked out body type. I’m not the most physically active, the idea scares me of failing, but I’m thrilled by the challenge. I have a goal for the winter, a motivation factor with a possible employment pay off. Can I do it? I don’t have a choice, I’ve told people I’m doing it so now its not just in my head.
I imagine myself getting off that plan in Colorado in the best physical shape of my life and I smile. I see myself pitted against the guys and being able to pull through with them. I see me doing it, and I get excited. I attempt a pull up and I get depressed. All I can do is try, and that’s what I am doing. With monthly check in with friends, I’m working toward the most physically ambitious goal I’ve ever set myself up for. There is no coach to report too, or team to rely on. Just me and the determination that I want to be a dog musher. So, here it is for all to see. Come September I’m sending my application off, with a full body picture and a list of the requirements and what I can do. I hope I can beat them. I know I can.
you should contact me about this ...