That's bad for this time of year. Man. The wait must have been 20 minutes or longer. My toes were frozen and my nose numb by the time I was allowed to go down. What happened to the freedom of the open space and the isolationism of the South Pole. Ruined I say. Ruined!! What next? Lines in the laundry room - wait we have that. Oh I know, all the diet coke will be out - wait that's happened too. How about all the small gloves will be gone and they'll only have medium or large -- nope already occurred. Maybe this place has more people than I realized.
Going down the tube this time was more of a pleasure then the first time. I removed big red so there was less sausage in the tube and with the sun out it was easier to see my way down and not think it was a bottomless pit. Once seated at the bottom I saw small groups of fish picking at the ice crystals, probably making icies for dessert. And did you know there is a back window? I didn't. Last time I didn't even bother to look behind me, but if I had this is what I would have seen . . .
It is amazing what you miss when you don't look back. I also got to see the ice crystals clearer with more sun shining through the several feet of ice.
Since the tube has been down now almost three weeks it is slowly becoming part of the nature around it. The water is taking over and has now formed ice crystals on it. Soon they won't be able to remove it, it will be so over grown with frozen life we'll even forget that it was once a man made protrusion into the water.
Ice crystals on the glass. Like frozen stars in the sea.
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