Note the Green Building color - all their buildings are green
This is their view from their side of the island
All the buildings are linked by hallways and it is so clean that you have to take your shoes off to walk around. - Does anyone else feel like a kid when they walk around in socks inside a building? Anyone? -
The purpose of going to the base, well there was two. First to say I've been, it's like a piece of New Zealand on the ice, and second to go shopping. Jessica, who I went with, joked later that if there is a place to go shopping we'll find it. The store was small, with usual tourist nick-nacks . .
Anybody want a Candy Bar?
but with a great selection of shirts, sweaters, and winter gear. New Zealand t-shirts have this soft sort of spandex feel. You just can't help petting the clothing as you walk by. I'd wear more t-shirts if they all felt like New Zealand ones.
After a thorough stroll of the 10x10 store, I made my purchase and then wandered around the base admiring the modern feel, and the kiwi green color it was. I sometimes forget there are more colors than brown, black, red and white. At times I see someone wearing a shirt or sweater and have to really work out what that color was called again. I even bumped into the potted fake plant in the bathroom the other day and thought, what is this? It took me a while to remember. They come from back home. Grow in the ground. I basically had to recall my 1st grade lesson in biology. Green? Plant? - ah yes. Now I remember.
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